Illustration Credits
All images used remain the copyright of the photographers and should not be used on other websites, copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way without the written permission of the photographer and MEDACES.

MEDACES would like to thank the following photographers who have generously donated their images for use on this website.

GRUMM (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain): Fin whale (Header), Bottlenose dolphin (Data)

CRMM (France): Sperm whale stranded (About MEDACES/Aims), Sperm whale stranded (Header), Common dolphin stranded (Submit data)

Diana Perdiguero (Universitat de Valencia, Spain): Bottlenose dolphin fins (Documents), landscape (in "Under Construction" pages)

© GREC (Alexandre Gannier, France): Long-finned Pilot whales (Home), Striped dolphin (About MEDACES), Bottlenose dolphin (Header), Common Dolphin (Help & contacts), Striped dolphin (Header)

Kike Crespo (Centro Nacional Patagónico, Argentina): Fin whale (News)

Oscar Sanisidro (Universitat de València, Spain): Stranding print (About MEDACES/History)

Juan Antonio Raga (Universitat de València, Spain): Children with Long-finned pilot whale (About MEDACES/History), Beaked whale stranded (Header)